Bismillah بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
There’s something incredibly serene about the quiet hours of the night when the world is fast asleep, and the only sound is the gentle rhythm of your own breathing. This is the time of Tahajjud, a time when the heart is most open to its Creator, and the connection with Allah feels strongest. It was during these sacred hours that I would rise from my bed, seeking solace in prayer, with one deep desire weighing on my heart: to find my life partner, the man I had always envisioned but had yet to meet.

1. The Power of Duas: My Journey to Marriage
Each night, as I placed my forehead on the ground in sujood, I felt a mix of emotions—hope, longing, and a touch of uncertainty. I prayed fervently, asking Allah to guide me, to ease my journey, and to bring me closer to the man who seemed so close, yet so far away. In my mind, I could almost feel his presence, as if he were just around the corner, waiting to enter my life. But the path to him was unclear, shrouded in the unknown.
2. Can We Ask Allah to Ease Our Trials?
This question lingered in my mind. No matter what era we live in, trials are part and parcel of life. Allah says He will definitely test us and give glad tidings to those who are patient:
“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.”
(Quran 2:155)
Even the Prophets before us were tested with immense calamities, and they are the closest to Allah. This shows that the more trials you face, the closer you are to Allah, and these trials serve to increase your status in His eyes.
3. Trials as a Means of Spiritual Growth
Enduring trials with patience helps to expiate sins and elevate your rank in the sight of Allah. This is why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“The people who are tested the most severely are the Prophets, then the next best, then the next best…”
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4023)
But here’s the important point: Asking Allah for ease during trials is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it’s a recognition of our human limitations and our deep reliance on Allah’s mercy.
4. The Balance Between Enduring and Seeking Ease
While it’s true that trials can help purify us and bring us closer to Allah, Islam encourages us to balance patience with seeking Allah’s mercy. We are not meant to wish for hardships, but when they come, we face them with patience while also asking Allah to help us bear them.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would make this dua:
“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the hardships of calamities, from being overtaken by destruction, from a bad fate, and from the malicious joy of enemies.”
(Sahih Bukhari 6347)
This dua shows that even the Prophet (peace be upon him) sought protection from severe hardships. So, asking Allah to make our trials easier is a natural part of our faith, not a sign of spiritual weakness.
5. The Wisdom in Seeking Allah’s Help
When we ask Allah to ease our trials, we’re not avoiding spiritual growth; we’re acknowledging our need for His mercy and support. It’s about understanding that while trials are inevitable, we can still seek Allah’s help in making them manageable. This balance reflects our trust in Allah’s wisdom and our reliance on His mercy.
6. Preparing for Allah’s Blessings
As I continued praying for my future husband, I didn’t sit idle. I participated in community events, joined Islamic classes, and worked on improving myself, preparing for marriage. When we ask Allah for help, we must also show Him that we truly want it. We have to prepare ourselves to receive His blessings because Allah will not give us something He knows we are not ready for.
Alhamdulillah, in a short period of time, I met my husband in the most effortless manner. I didn’t even have to think hard—everything just seemed to flow smoothly. About eight months after getting to know each other and meeting each other’s families, we got married. Today, we have a beautiful baby girl named Maryam, Alhamdulillah.

7. The Role of Trials in Bringing Us Closer to Allah
Trials are there to help us grow closer to Allah, expiate our sins, and increase our status. If you’re struggling to find your man to marry, ask yourself if you’ve done enough to prepare yourself for such a big blessing.
So, yes, continue to ask Allah to make your trials easier, and trust that He knows what is best for you. By doing so, you’re embracing the full spectrum of what it means to be a believer: enduring hardship with patience while relying on Allah’s infinite mercy.
Dua: “O Allah, grant me the strength to endure my trials with patience, and make them a means of drawing closer to You. Ease my burdens, and bless me with the ability to navigate through life’s challenges with faith and trust in Your wisdom. Ameen.”
May Allah give you ease and guide you through every trial you face. Ameen.
Love and Salam,
Any good from this article is from Allah and any evil is from the shaytaan and me. May Allah forgive our shortcomings in practicing His deen.
Wa billahi tawfeeq wa hidayah
(All successes come from Allah and His guidance).
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